- How many years back earth is believed to be born ? 4 Arab 60 Crore years.
- Total area of Earth ? 51 Crore Sq. Km
- Total area of Earth in Sq. Miles : -17 Crore 70 Lakh Sq. Mile
- What is the polar diameter of Earth ?12714 K.M
- What is the equatorial diameter of Earth? 12756 K.M
- What is the perimeter of Earth? 40000 K.M
- Total Land area and Water area on Earth ? 14 Crore and 37 Crore Sq.Km
- What are the area covered by land and water in percentage? 21 and 71 percentage respectively.
- How far is Earth from the Sun ? 14 Crore KM
- How many continents are there in this World ? 7( Asia ,Africa, Antarctica , Australia, Europe, North America, South America)
- Biggest continent :-Asia
- How much percent of total area of Earth do Asia cover ? 9%
- How much percent of land area of Earth does it cover ? Around 30%
- Around 60% of the planet’s human population reside in which continent ? Asia
- Asia is known for for its vast diversity in terms of culture, environments, ethnic groups, economics, historical background, and also the government systems.
- Boundaries and Borders of Asia : There is actually no geographical separation as such between Asia and Europe. The two continents form a large landmass which is popularly called Eurasia. On the east of Asia you have the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean to the south and Arctic Ocean to the north.
- Biggest country of Asia : -China
- Smallest country of Asia:- Maldives
- Continent of Diversity: Asia
- Asia and Europe form a Large landmass in their geographical separations and it is called ? Eurasia
- Deepest lake in the World ? Baikal Lake (Russia)
- Highest Mountain in the World ? Mt. Everest (Nepal)
- Highest plateau in the world? Tibet
- Total countries in Asia ? 48
- What is "Roof Top of the World " ? Tibetan Plateau